Two members of NXIVM sex cult are masterminds behind viral marketing power house

After the fall of sex cult NXIVM, a marketing company with ties to the organization spiraled into success, garnering immense influence. Movers+Shakers is a TikTok marketing powerhouse founded by Evan Horowitz and Geoffrey Goldberg with a list of influential clients, especially cosmetic companies targeting young women, and was recently acquired by advertising powerhouse Stagwell.

5 bombshells to come from Trump indictment - 6 co-conspirators to Pence feud

For the third time, Former U.S. President Donald Trump has been indicted. On Tuesday, he was charged with four criminal counts, leaving court documents full of shocking details. The United States District Court for the District of Columbia says: "Despite having lost, the Defendant was determined to remain in power. So for more than two months following election day on November 3, 2020, the Defendant spread lies that there had been outcome-determinative fraud in the election and that he had actu

Ammunition found in Tupac investigation ‘useless’ unless police found gun first

A former Los Angeles Police Department detective who worked on the Tupac Shakur murder investigation told The Mirror that any ammunition found during police search would be "useless" without first finding the murder weapon itself. Detective Greg Kading said: "The only way to prove whether or not ammo at his house would be comparable to the ammunition that was taken from the crime scene is to actually have the gun."

“Perversion of Justice” Acts as a Truly Remarkable Piece of Both Investigative and Advocacy Journalism

Julie K. Brown’s investigative reporting on Jeffery Epstein’s sex pyramid scheme and its subsequent cover-up is an astonishing piece of advocacy journalism that uplifts the voices of his victims. Brown worked diligently to unlock answers surrounding Epstein’s crimes and the coverup by federal prosecutor Alexander Acosta. She detailed in her timeline the events as they unfolded, revealing that Epstein’s sex crimes were first reported as early as 2005. Until Brown’s work in 2018, according to an

Anonymous Has a Hand in Dispersing Key Information, But That’s Not Enough to be Journalism

Do you need an identity to be a journalist? Hacktivist collective ‘Anonymous’ brings us this question. Beyond the inherent question of ethics and Senator Charles Schumer’s, “Legitimate newsgathering activities,” definition of similar groups like WikiLeaks, there are even more factors in dictating whether or not Anonymous has journalistic credibility. These include the interjection of editorial narrative in their content, anonymity, and the lack of structural organization.

Women’s History Month: the trailblazers of the modern scene

Who were the women who made our scene? That’s such a tough question to answer because even when listing names of singers and songwriters, we can’t forget all the names we’ll never hear of. Historically, women haven’t been credited for the beautiful work they give to the world, so many of their names will be lost to us. We may never know the true scope and impact that women have had on the scene and this industry as a whole. However, we want to pluck a few names out of the millions and give you

Women’s History Month: women in the scene who are leaving a major legacy

With Women’s History month coming to an end, we would be amiss if we didn’t recognize the women making history right this very moment. Many of the women on this list have already made a huge impact on what it means to be pop-punk, but we’re sure they will continue to surprise us. This absolute icon has quickly become a role model for so many women looking for their place in the scene. Starting as the frontwoman in Automatic Loveletter, Juliet later expanded to her solo work, showcasing her tale

9 Girl Bosses Diving Into STEM Fields In Creative Ways

These girls are definitely paving the way! In case you missed it, we’re teaming up with Ad Council for this year’s Creators For Good Summit in less than a week! The feel-good event — going down on October 11th, aka International Day of the Girl — is all about encouraging and empowering girls to realize and pursue their passions: whatever they may be. The Summit will focusing on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields, but that doesn’t mean being a traditional scientist

Everything we know about the sexual assault allegations against Austin Carlile

Trigger and Content Warning: The following content contains sensitive and/or triggering content including sexual assault and sexual violence. If you feel affected by this content please know there are resources to support you. Please read with caution. On June 8th, a viral Tweet from Jonathan Stiffler brought to light sexual assault allegations against Austin Carlile formerly from Of Mice and Men and Attack! Attack!. While the allegations go back further, Stiffler asserted that Alternative Pres